Our Children's Dance Program Our program is split into four sessions per year: fall, winter, spring, summer. This allows for flexibility and schedule changes as families may pick and choose sessions. While current dancers do receive priority registration time, we welcome new and returning dancers at any time, space allowing. Beginners are always welcome at any level. We also offer special workshops throughout the year. In December, there is the opportunity to perform in an optional Nutcracker Workshop Performance and in June, all spring session classes perform an in-class Spring Recital. Tippy Toes | Ages 2-3 | *dancer must be 24 months at start of session In this special class, our experienced teachers guide you and your dancer through your first dance class experience. Tippy Toes exposes the youngest dancers to the magic of dance through sight, sound, movement and imagination. We start to introduce basic ballet terminology and movements with the use of both classical music and follow-along songs. We use stuffed animals, props, and instruments to build gross motor skills and introduce dance fundamentals in fun, age-appropriate ways. Parents/Caregivers: Dress in comfortable clothes because you will be dancing too!
Pre-Ballet I | Ages 3-4 | In this level, we introduce classic ballet technique in a fun, creative, age appropriate way. Class begins in a circle with stretching songs and dances, dancers then move to the ballet barre where they work on basic ballet fundamentals. Class always includes the opportunity for self-expression in free-dance. Pre-Ballet dancers begin to learn basic dance and classroom/life skills. Dancers in this level should be fairly good at focusing and following directions. For dancers who may not yet be ready for this independent class, Tippy Toes is a great option. Beginners welcome.
Pre-Ballet I with Tap | Ages 3-4 | In this combo class we introduce classic ballet technique and tap fundamentals in a fun, creative, age appropriate way. Each class consists of approximately two thirds ballet and one third tap. Class begins in a circle with stretching songs and dances, dancers then move to the ballet barre where they work on basic ballet fundamentals. Class always includes the opportunity for self-expression in free-dance. We then change to tap shoes and learn basic tap steps while working on rhythm and coordination skills. In this level, dancers begin to learn basic dance and classroom/life skills. Dancers in this level should be fairly good at focusing and following directions. For dancers who may not yet be ready for this independent class, Tippy Toes is a great option. Beginners welcome.
Preschool Acro Dance | Ages 3-4 I In this class, dancers will learn basic acro skills and fundamentals like bridges, somersaults, and L-handstands. The focus of this class is on building strength, developing balance, coordination, flexibility and rhythm through dance and safe skill progressions. Dancers will also learn fun choreography that incorporates dance and acro skills. Beginners welcome.
Pre-Ballet II | Ages 5-6 | In this level, dancers will learn introductory ballet technique including the five ballet positions. We build a foundation of ballet knowledge in fun, creative, age appropriate ways. Class begins in a circle with stretching songs and dances, dancers then move to the ballet barre where they work on basic ballet fundamentals. Class always includes the opportunity for self-expression in free-dance. Pre-Ballet II class is about reinforcing basic dance and classroom/life skills. Beginners welcome.
Pre-Ballet II with Tap| Ages 5-6 | In this combo class dancers will learn introductory ballet technique including the five ballet positions as well as tap dance fundamentals. We build a foundation of dance knowledge in fun, creative, age appropriate ways. Each class consists of approximately two thirds ballet and one third tap. Class begins in a circle with stretching songs and dances, dancers then move to the ballet barre where they work on basic ballet fundamentals. Class always includes the opportunity for self-expression in free-dance. We then change to tap shoes and learn tap steps while working on rhythm and coordination skills. This level is about reinforcing basic dance and classroom/life skills. Beginners welcome.
Ballet/Jazz | Ages 7-8 | Ballet I with Jazz is a 50 minute class that starts with a traditional ballet barre sequence with stretching, progresses through ballet technique and ends with lively jazz dance to popular music. Students will work on flexibility, strength and ballet & jazz fundamentals. Emphasis is placed on coordination, musicality and rhythm. Dancers will practice proper posture and technique, explore the art of balance and learn various jumps and combinations. Through age appropriate games and activities, dancers will work on creativity, body awareness & self-expression. Beginners welcome.
Acro Dance & Stretch | Ages 5-8 I In this class, dancers will learn and work on refining acro fundamentals like bridges, somersaults, pre-cartwheels/cartwheels, and L-handstands. Acro Dance & Stretch class is about building strength, developing balance, coordination, flexibility and rhythm through dance and safe skill progressions. Dancers will also learn fun choreography that incorporates dance and acro skills. Beginners welcome.
Yoga | Ages 5-8 | Yogis will explore all the traditional aspects of yoga from yoga poses, breathing & meditation techniques to mindfulness through games, fun songs, stories and journaling. We use the Kidding Around Yoga curriculum which takes the classical study of yoga and transforms it into a fun and engaging movement based experience for young yogis. This yoga class is focused on movement and postures geared towards the mind and body. Yogis will discover how yoga can be integrated into their everyday lives and interactions beyond the mat. They will learn tools for developing mindfulness, cultivating compassion and calming techniques. Beginners welcome.