Details on how our virtual classes work can be found on our Virtual Dance Detailspage and family testimonials can be foundhere. Our Spring Session will run Monday March 28 - Sunday June 12* No classes: April break Saturday April 16 - Friday April 22 Mother's Day Sunday May 8 Memorial Day Weekend Saturday May 28 - Monday May 30
All class times are in Eastern Time.
*The week of June 6 will be our class time recital performance, please reference emails for details
Virtual Pre-Ballet (ages 3-6 years) Students will learn introductory technique and the 5 positions of the feet. We build on our knowledge in a fun, creative, age appropriate way. Students will work on flexibility & body awareness through stretching and free dance. Monday 4:15pm ET 35 mins. with Ms. Gina, 9 weeks
Virtual Ballet I (ages 7-10 years) We begin class with a traditional ballet barre sequence with stretching. Students work on flexibility and body awareness. Monday 5:oopm ET 45 mins. with Ms. Gina, 9 weeks