Details on how our virtual classes work can be found on our Virtual Dance Detailspage and family testimonials can be foundhere. All class times are in Eastern Time. Winter Session will run January 2 - March 13 No Classes: Monday January 16 MLK Day Monday February 20 President's Day/School Break
*Current families priority registration time: November 3rd at 10am via emailed link *New and non-current dancers can register online beginning on November 14 *Schedule subject to change *Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions
We welcome new dancers to begin at any point with prorated tuition (space permitting). Please reach out to [email protected] for more information and to enroll.
Virtual Ballet (ages 7-10 years) We begin class with a traditional ballet barre sequence with stretching. Students work on flexibility and body awareness.Students will learn and build upon choreography week to week. Beginners welcome! Monday 5:oopm ET 45 mins. with Ms. Gina, 9 weeks $180